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About Me

I'm Kimberly Parry, the owner and founder of Emergence Life Coaching. I teach busy, high achievers who feel drained or out of alignment in one or more areas of their lives how to reconnect with themselves, how to get the root of their frustrations more quickly, and how to live more empowered, authentic lives.


Most people who come to empowerment coaching are listening to podcasts, reading self-help books, and using other resources that provide general, one-size-fits-all strategies or that teach general personal development principles, but that don't always teach how to apply them in a custom-tailored way. I teach my clients how to invest just a small amount of time each day in applying simple, practical principles that will help them connect with their unique, core personality and live more peaceful, successful, and abundant lives by living authentically.


In short, my goal is to help clients come to know themselves, trust themselves, love themselves and find the power in "doing you."


Follow us on social media, subscribe to our monthly newsletter, or contact us today for more information on how we can help you tap into your authentic power and live your best life!













Certifications and Affiliations:

Certified Master Professional Coach (ICA)
Certified Divorce Recovery Coach (ICA)
Certified Parent Coach (ICA)
Certified Archetypal Consultant (CMED)
Certified Virtual Personal Stylist (Fashion Institute)
Menswear Styling Certification (School of Style)

© 2024 by Emergence Life Coaching, LLC

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