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Writer's pictureCoach Kim

Battling Post-Pandemic Burnout

October is an exciting month—I’m headed to the #TEDxWoodinville stage on October 14th!

Not only have I had the privilege of associating with some amazing thought leaders in prepping for this stage, I’ve also had the opportunity to speak with some amazing podcasters as well.

It’s been interesting to notice the patterns in these conversations and a BIG theme that’s popping up is around burnout: especially for women. Most especially for high achieving, busy go-getting women.

And it’s not surprising.

In the post-pandemic world, burnout has taken center stage (I have a lot of theories about that, but I’ll save those for other posts). There’s talk about silent quitting, The Great Resignation, and other signs of the collective fatigue a lot of us are experiencing. And while people are throwing old tricks like incentivizing the workplace or team building activities or, in our personal lives, trying out various forms of “self-care,” the problem persists.

As a lot of you know, my definition of self-care is about more than massages or weekend getaways.

Right now, the world needs more than self-care. We’re tired . . . maybe even exhausted. Individuals are tired. The economy is tired. The world is tired. And it’s tired from doing things the “old” way—the way we have for years.

As an Authentic Alignment Coach, I believe the real antidote to burnout lies in authentic alignment. It means getting reset and realigned with our unique, soul-led priorities and purpose in life. It means having the courage to say no when necessary, setting boundaries, and making choices that genuinely resonate with your life path.

As a Life Stylist, I help burned out women reconnect with themselves and revitalize their lives as they style their lives from the inside out. Collectively, we need to revitalize our communities, our families, our businesses. And the same principles apply: it’s time to revitalize the world from the inside out.

And it all starts at the core: being aligned with who you REALLY are and living your IT factor.

It’s time.


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